ENISA Annual Privacy Forum 2018: shaping technology around data protection and privacy requirements

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The need to shape technology around data protection requirements and to invest in privacy-friendly business models was debated at the ENISA Annual Privacy Forum 2018.

In the light of new technological challenges, GDPR can be the driving force for reengineering online systems and services to the benefit of end users’ privacy.

The ENISA Annual Privacy Forum 2018 (APF18) is a thematic conference that was co-organised with the European Commission - DG CNECT, the Polytechnic University of Barcelona (UPC) and Telefonica on 13 and 14 June 2018.

With a view to stimulating interactive discussions, identifying new trends and producing compelling input to policy-making, APF18 brought together policymakers with representatives from academia and industry.

Notable speakers at this year's edition of the ENISA APF included Despina Spanou (European Commission - DG Connect), Wojciech Wiewiórowski (EDPS), Andrés Calvo Medina (Spanish DPA), Frank Dawson (Nokia) and many more.

ENISA’s Executive Director, Prof. Udo Helmbrecht, highlighted the significance of the emerging legal framework, which comprises the GDPR and the draft ePrivacy Regulation, which sets the stage for privacy by design and default in the EU. “ENISA”, he added, “is looking forward to working with all stakeholders, public and private, to enhance the level of compliance and afford protection to citizens and businesses across the EU”. 

The Co-Chairs of APF18, Prof. Manel Medina and Prof. Kai Rannenberg, underscored the high quality of the academic track of this year’s event.

Privacy by design paradigms, a panel composed of Hansen, von Grafenstein, Kiley, Kourtellis and Nanni, focused on the notion of ‘design’ in the context of contemporary software development practices and the use of specific techniques for pseudonymisation and (privacy) default settings. Online tracking, profiling and micro-targeting were discussed by Ortiz, Van Alsenoy, Nink and Novak, who explored the legal and technical safeguards that are or can be put in place to protect users of online services against tracking and profiling. Catteddu, Rey, Mclaughlin, and Hon had a lively discussion about the state of the art and the impact of GDPR on cloud services. A panel made up of Schallaböck, Boucher de Crèvecoeur, Guarino and Li debated the role of technical standards for security and privacy.

APF18 was live streamed at https://tv.upc.edu/continguts/annual and it is expected that the bulk of presentations will appear on the ENISA YouTube channel. 

Marcombo published select scientific contributions as pre-proceedings; Springer will publish the proceedings later in the year.

The next edition of the APF will in Rome on 13 and 14 June 2019, in co-operation with the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

For more information, please visit the event’s website at www.privacyforum.eu.